Kalina Bains
Kintsugi-Infused Empowerment
Broken, No honey
I'm beautifully reborn
Remembering a younger, version of self I reflect.
Fear once destroyed me.
Numb, decades taken from me. I lost so much of myself.
That was a long journey to self.
To the woman I am today.
I cocooned and thought I was safe being naive and wearing the masks
I needed to wear them, too scared to take them off.
The kaleidoscope of many changes, messy, broken, I finally saw through the eyes of love. Love for myself, forgiveness for myself and others.
Now finding my voice, I'm a grandmOTHERS empoweHERing others on their journey to XOXO themselves.
Bolder, braver we rise
Kintsugi STRONG
Fractured we flourish
Kintsugi grandmOTHER
You are a powerful,
be.YOU.tifil grandmOTHERS
Kalina Bains