Women's GPS Discovery-Acceptance-Healing-Transformation-Connection-Awakening-Legacy ​
Guided by Passion & Spirit

Blissette (noun) /blɪsˈɛt/
Definition: A "blissette" is a precious moment of bliss and enlightenment experienced by a Kintsugi woman.
It represents the "AHA" moments of acceptance, connection, healing, resilience, self-discovery, and transformation, that illuminate her journey, often emerging from moments of acceptance and self-love.
Let’s take a moment to honour these precious moments and the lessons they have taught us.
Embrace the beauty of the imperfections we perceive as cracks, flaws, weaknesses, things we are working on, and what to change celebrating the strength that comes from our journey. Our blissettes are a source of inspiration and light, guiding us toward a future filled with acceptance, love, resilience, and transformation.
Blissettes in the Life of a Kintsugi Woman
As we walk through the journey of life, we encounter moments that shape us, challenge us, and ultimately transform us. These moments, which I call blissettes, are precious instances of bliss and enlightenment that guide us towards self-discovery, acceptance, healing, and transformation.
They often emerge from the acceptance and self-love we celebrate in ourselves. Here, are some of the blissettes that have illuminated my journey as a Kintsugi woman.
Accepting my imperfections as parts of my unique beauty brings me a blissette.
Acknowledge the courage to keep moving forward creates a blissette.
Admitting my flaws and embracing them with love gives me a blissette.
Appreciating the small victories and milestones results in a blissette.
Asking for help and receiving it with grace creates a blissette.
Attuning to my inner voice and trusting it brings me a blissette.
Avoiding self-criticism and practicing self-compassion results in a blissette.
Awakening to my true self and living authentically creates a blissette.
Acknowledging my past and forgiving myself brings me a blissette.
Aligning my actions with my values and intentions gives me a blissette.
Allowing myself to be vulnerable and open results in a blissette.
Bonding with others through shared experiences brings me a blissette.
Building meaningful relationships with authenticity results in a blissette.
Celebrating the support and love of my community creates a blissette.
Communicating openly and honestly with loved ones brings me a blissette.
Creating a safe space for others to share their stories results in a blissette.
Cultivating empathy and understanding in my interactions gives me a blissette.
Deepening connections through acts of kindness creates a blissette.
Encouraging others on their journeys and celebrating their progress brings me a blissette.
Engaging in meaningful conversations that foster growth results in a blissette.
Experiencing the joy of collective healing and support creates a blissette.
Expressing gratitude for the connections in my life gives me a blissette.
Acknowledging and processing my emotions brings me a blissette.
Allowing myself time to grieve and heal results in a blissette.
Balancing self-care with self-compassion creates a blissette.
Channeling my pain into creative outlets brings me a blissette.
Embracing forgiveness and letting go of resentment gives me a blissette.
Engaging in practices that nurture my soul results in a blissette.
Honoring my body and mind through healthy habits creates a blissette.
Listening to my needs and setting boundaries brings me a blissette.
Practicing mindfulness and being present results in a blissette.
Seeking support and guidance from others creates a blissette.
Transforming pain into wisdom and strength gives me a blissette.
Accepting and embracing my true self brings me a blissette.
Awakening to my inner potential and dreams results in a blissette.
Exploring my passions and interests creates a blissette.
Finding clarity and purpose in my journey brings me a blissette.
Learning from my experiences and growth results in a blissette.
Listening to my intuition and trusting my instincts gives me a blissette.
Recognizing my strengths and celebrating them creates a blissette.
Reflecting on my journey and acknowledging my progress brings me a blissette.
Seeking knowledge and expanding my horizons results in a blissette.
Understanding my values and aligning with them creates a blissette.
Unfolding my true essence with every step gives me a blissette.