Kintsugi Woman
Kintsugi-Infused Empowerment Coach
chapter 10
Many of you like me are on this journey of self expression. I am blogging and now have made a website to incorporate my blogs, Facebook groups and my being an Ambassador with the S.W.A.T. Institute with Crystal Andrus.
For years women have been silenced by society and made to think that they were not capable of thinking for themselves although they raised 8 children like my mother. With this virtual world we are able to combine our passion and creative spirit to a place that like a dream only exists in our minds. I can not see you and you likely don't know me but we are still here living our own lives and like magic we are connected thru the web.
Now as an Ambassador I am reaching out globally to women everywhere. Those of you who live a world away from me. Some of you will be waking up will others of you are settling in for the night. We are all women who have questioned the answers we have been given to all they "WHYS" that really were no answers at all but interpretations and excuses to make us believe what they believed.
This era of virtual woman is opening doors to possibilities that were never conceived for ourselves and now we can share our stories and see each other on Skype, message on cells and in moments we are not alone. Just knowing you are there with me in spirit is why we need to begin and connect with women everywhere globally.
If you like me are interested in being in this movement to encourage and lift up women join this group and share your resources, videos, messages and what you are doing to illuminate the spirit that shines inside of you. Join our group and share it with the women in your world.
Join our group on Facebook
What Would Your Diva Courage Have You Do?
Networking and supporting women virtually and most importantly meeting personally with each other is so very important. As women we are all so busy being pulled many ways often not knowing what to do next yet we have a billion things on our minds.
Our Women’s GPS (Guided Passionate Self) is tugging at us whispering to us as it chants the limiting beliefs that we have been the midwifed into. Our shadow falls on the young women in our lives they are watching and living what they perceive as truths when we know ourselves they are not; yet we keep believing them ourselves.
Women Dream Weavers
Dreaming of a better day, knowing that it is there. Following your path? Today is a new day of beginnings. You have walked thru the door of hope it is leading you to what is calling YOU. Remembering that loving yourself first, healing and in gratitude we pass that hope along to those in front of us who will one day stand along side of us as a sister, a dream weaver.
What does your dream dance look like ? What energy are you putting out there?
I have so many dreams, stories and doors I want to open. Women dream weavers are clearing a path for all of us they are opening the doors and dreaming to make dreams happen for all of us. I am a dream weaver.
We all need to be dream weavers. Weaving in the love, empowering balance to every day situations. Life is a tear drop away and regret, sadness and guilt be dissolved with the forgiveness that others would say you are crazy, unacceptable.
We will be free, released from the pain, lies and letting go. Loving ourselves enough to go thru the door of hope. Going forward thru love, we are not helpless. We are free, and healed all is well. Safe in the creators arms. Moving on to be what ever we want to be, free. Dreaming , weaving a magnificent tapestry of our life.