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Kalina Bains

I am Phenomenal Woman Naturally

It doesn't matter what we are going through ladies, we are stronger than we realize. We bounce back and become stronger. How many times do we forget that because of a situation or circumstances.

Looking at our bodies, as we become mature women like myself we know that we can never compare to the beauty of our beautiful daughters and sisters, we were but life and time has changed us.

Say with me... "I am an phenomenal woman naturally"

So I will shine brighter ladies and as I love my circle of strong women friends and sisters, we all will shine brighter together. Never let your light be dimmed by someone else who thinks that their light is brighter than yours. Let them go in their own little corner by themselves. They will soon be lonely in their corner of light knowing what they have lost.

You are a bright shinning light women..go shine like crazy This is a beautiful, song by Kenita Miller. Such a beautiful voice. The words of the song are from Maya Angelou. This is a message we must believe and breath teaching our daughters.So often we forget who we are and lose a bit of ourselves each time we let someone tear down a part of us and we begin again. Remember ladies you are PHENOMENAL

.I am a phenomenal woman, that's me!

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