The whispers of my dreams are getting louder
Step by step I am walking into this future
I am finally able to breathe
I am at peace
I am here and ready to shine
Life is funny, I am constantly questioning,
I do not find the answers so I question again
I feel lost and found at the same time
I am laughing and crying unable to think
This craziness, this illusion of happiness is a lie
The loss, tears and wasted time is a ghost
Invisible and unspeakable, I am silent
Void and invisible I feel empty
Yes I know I am stronger than I was yesterday
Today I will smile at myself
I will the woman that is searching
She has grown so much with each experience
The wrinkles of wisdom show in my eyes
My wounded self still shines through
What do I want my life to look like?
I let go of the guilt, fear and SHINE
Each of us has a dark night of the soul
Maybe a few
Each one makes us stronger Finding our vulnerabilities
Silently we shine
Waking up I wake up excited
I shine a little bit brighter each day
The wisdom of my years helps me bounce back
I have fallen but I am back stronger
I am stronger
I make peace with what was
I let go and receive all my soul needs