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New Me 2019

Trimming and toning? We all can be kinder to ourselves and take better care of ourselves. Spirituality, mentally and physically we have learned what didn't work in 2018. You are ready, let go of the fear, the anger, and stress that you are holding in your body. #newme

Look at were you were as a young woman and how you feel and look today. You have matured and being happy with yourself is important. Love yourself today. You deserve to be happy and do what you want. There is so much out there for you, what do you want.

Each moment we move forward and let go of the experiences that have held us back we begin shedding the pain, the weight the anger that has held us down. Stop replicating and playing over the old stores, the past and evolve,

It is time to start a new chapter of your life, turn the page and decide what you want to write into your life. Detach yourself from what was and believe in yourself, you are a beautiful, strong woman.

So 5lbs at a time, one thought at a time we are peeling away the layers.

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