BE TRANSPARENT, BE Kintsugi Woman?
Christmas is here and we are full of hope, and love.
But, there are many mixed feelings, right?
Can I be REAL?
The whispers of lies, of brokenness hide inside, we wear the masks, we cry the tears in our pillows and we believe and hope like our grandmothers before us, mothers and take another drink, another pill, another dream, we are afraid to think, to speak, to dream of what if.
We had the dreams, we thought about what our life would be like and we were princesses of the diamonds, like others who had everything,
We moved through time, we took the masks off and we began again, and again, and again with love and we broke.
It was just the beginning, questioning who we were.
You look at me, at those who were the purple sheep, the rebellious the broken and judge and pray.
ARE YOU A PURPLE SHEEP? or are you one of those who judge?
We are the same, you have been birthed out of the same mothers of lies and masks. YOU have cried tears, forgotten who you were, and put on the mask
You will not answer, you will not acknowledge the lies, the pain, putting on the mask you will be silent, the kintsugi woman hides, in silence, crying, dying and dies to the chaos, the rape, of nothing, of everything that covet self.
You are Kintsugi women, you are broken, you are so fragmented and yet you dream.
You dream of more.
You dream of love.
You dream of a time that SHINES.
You can SHINE or be silent
They will tear us down
What would you say to you granddaughter if she lived you life?