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Writer's pictureKalina Bains

Labyrinth Life

kalina labyrnith womanality

Labyrinth meditating colouring

Labyrinth of my life is constantly weaving around each bend speculating what is ahead of me anticipating and excited. Getting lost and drifting here and there believing, hoping naively that what I have seen, heard and was told was really there ahead of me. Each turn in the trail turning, in and out, back and forth frequently finding myself at the starting point.

Enjoying the quiet times of reflection as I travel these labyrinths I met others like me searching and to think they are lost. We travel for a while together usually discovering some of our own fears along the way and something about ourselves is revealed.

Then at some point we usually decide on different paths.


Child’s Labyrinth

While some along side of me have continued to share this passage. Finally reaching the exodus, we realize there is another maze just ahead. Confident, stronger, and with discernment, maturity and love we continue. Discovering my own path, remembering the trail leaving little tell-tale signs of where I have been and having the sensitivity to know when and if to go back and find my way out again I continue.

Remembering what I had found, never really lost; noticing the transformation in me that is preparing me. I am enthusiastic about the next path.

I know that 24/7 I am walking these labyrinths and some are more complicated, painful and take longer to go thru I often call on God asking why it feels like it is never ending like a captive being pulled back by others behind me, trying to keep me weak , suspicious and lost.

Stepping out of the darkness back into the light I am supported and redefining who I am day by day, finding, experiencing and with less judgment loving who I am as I continue this life.

The flow of my life is often replicating but there is always renewing of me; and new understanding of my body, mind and my soul; healing, finding courage and promising hope determining new goals for myself and relationships.

Bolder, still asking questions ready to start traveling thru the new tunnels and arches realizing new dimensions of me and enjoying the passages.

It is me who needs to ultimately initiate and decide the paths, defining my purpose, consciously creating new boundaries, finding new solutions and discovering my way thru the wonder of my life.

kalina labyrinth

Labyrinth of my heart #kalina

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