Summit of love, where none are judged
All have fallen, many afraid of getting up
We have to look inward and follow our dreams
Do not hesitate and listen to others defeat
I could not be a puppet, I grew and rebelled
They tried to put me into a box, really a shell
No questions, no reasons, just follow their lead
I was a person who asked why and could not believe
That is the way things are done, do not think for yourself
Learn from our mistakes, it cannot be undone
Running away from them and lost to this world
The world of black and white, was so unfair
Everyone has fallen, some still hidden in shame
The faith that had held me and has guided me here
Once a burden I did not want to hear
It had to many rules, and judged me so cruel
I spiraled out of control, alone and confused
Spheres of me, the dimensions I see
Alive with emotions, divided and silent The masks I wear, hiding what is real
Tearing it off I would expose the real me
You have walked these steps; you hide behind this mask,
You are my mother, sister, daughter and friend
Rebirth, renewed we have woken up
With these baby steps we can try again
Faith, with arms open wide
Live in belief, we all walk together what a relief
It is not all black and white; we are not in a box
We are healing and walking in love
The scars and memories may still pass us by
But the strength we share while lifting each other up high
Fellowship of love, sisterhood beloved walking in love