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Kintsugi Strong  Embrace  Empower  Engage Explore Evolve  

The Power is in YOU


Wisps of a memory that we hope for, crave for, and

have thought about it over and over and yet it disappears.

How many times do we have thoughts, good intentions,

and dreams and wake up and think, “Oh that is such a good idea”.

Then in a few seconds, it is gone and we try to remember what it was

and it’s there you sense it is there if you could just remember.


Letting go of something we know in our heart that is an integral part of us but we just don’t seem to have the power to hold onto it. Like in a dream, we soar then forgetting until something reminds us again, and like a trance we sense the peace in something that feels like returning home.


Finding our passion and moving forward feeling the bliss that comes so easy that we don’t even have to think about it. A feeling that is second nature that heals and causes our heart to sing; those are the ones of our desires that we need to chime into.


Are you listening to your woman's GPS

It is whispering to you and encouraging it is your innate knowing


We are all born with an innate knowing that guides us throughout our lives. This knowing is like a GPS that helps us through the peaks and valleys of our journey. It is guided by our passion and spirit, which are the energy behind our purpose in life. You may call it your consciousness or led by the Holy Spirit.


Our intuitive GPS helps us to make decisions that align with our true selves and lead us on our journey. We have lost touch with this inner GPS often because of societal conditioning and external influences. Many of us have been taught to rely solely on the logic and reason, of our grandparents, community, and religion, forgetting the power of our intuition.


By reconnecting with our innate knowing, we can awaken to the limitless possibilities and live a happy life of purpose becoming a bolder, braver version of self.


Pause, and learn to quiet the noise of your minds and listen to the whispers of your souls. We must have the courage to follow our hearts, even when the path is uncertain.


Our intuitive GPS will never lead us astray, it is guided by the divine wisdom that resides within us. By trusting in our innate knowing, we can overcome fear, doubt, and uncertainty and embrace our highest potential.


We can tap into the passionate creative force that flows through us and bring our dreams to life. Our intuitive GPS is not something to be feared but celebrated and nurtured. It is the key to unlocking the magic that lies within us and the blessings of a life of joy and abundance.


Embrace your inner wisdom and trust in the journey that lies ahead. Let's follow our passion and allow our spirits to guide us. We are all connected and part of something much greater than ourselves. We are a spark of the Divine. We are LOVE.


My innate knowing is my compass

Guided by passion and spirit

I trust in the journey that lies ahead

I receive the blessings


With discernment and love cling on to your dreams, they will start being more of you and one day you will not even remember how you got there.


Becoming Kintsugi Strong has been a journey of self-discovery and growth. It required us to let go of our limiting beliefs, and embrace our uniqueness, trusting and loving ourselves. 


As we have become more of the self we wanted and needed to become we have found that we like ourselves more, and walked closer to a life of passion and purpose. 


We have wasted enough time on this journey  Life is too short to live it on someone else's terms. Embrace who you are, and live life fully and authentically.


You are a woman who has gone through a lifetime of journeys, constantly reinventing yourself against the odds. You have listened to your intuitive woman's guided passionate self (GPS). Many of us have been healing daughters, survivors who learned to become sabotage warriors and now are illuminated to illuminate, Kintsugi Strong.


At the heart of every woman is a deep passion that drives her forward. Her potential and purpose are what guide her, and she is constantly evolving to become the best version of self. As she explores life's opportunities, her journey expands, and she becomes more powerful and self-assured.


Our journey has not been an easy one. We have faced challenges and heartache through the prisms of self, but each version of ourselves make us stronger, even when we took a step or two backwards, we survived, driven by our faith, passion and determination. Through our  struggles, we have learned to trust ourselves and our intuition and have become empowered by our strength and knowing. Knowing that we are enough.


Our power has come from within. We are not afraid to be ourselves and to express ourselves authentically, even if it means going against the norm often being ridiculed or taken advantage of. We are becoming more comfortable in our skin radiating confidence and self-assurance.


We have been reinventing ourselves, watching the women in our lives, listening to stories and thinking we would not make the same mistakes, and be stronger. Often we have been, but many times we have taken that step back and held onto what we had out of fear and even though our lives kept changing it wasn’t enough to get what we wanted so we became our worst enemy. 


As we evolve becomes more and more illuminated. We have a deep understanding of ourselves and the world around, and with our knowledge and experience to inspire and empower others. Shine brightly and fearlessly.


We are a symbol of empowerment and strength. We have gone through life's challenges and emerged stronger and more resilient than ever full of  passion and purpose that drive us  forward.​


Passionate women are driven by their desire to make a difference in the world. Finding clarity with vision to succeed and achieve, chasing their dreams.

Purposeful,  focused on living their lives with intention and meaning. They understand that every action they take has a purpose and they strive to make every moment count.


Becoming the best versions of ourselves, as spiritual, passionate, and purposeful women we incorporate daily practices of self-care into their lives. With meditation, journaling, exercise, healthy eating, and spending time in nature. By taking care of ourselves, we are able to take care of others and make a positive impact on the world.


Are you a spiritual, passionate Kintsugi woman  full of purpose, and dedicated to self-care?  A role model for others and inspiring them to become the best versions of themselves?​


A strong woman is one that has scars from the battles she has passed thru. Surviving to help other women, mature enough not to judge herself or others and realizes that by helping others she is not hurting herself she is part of a tribe of women who lift her up when she falls. Knowing we are on our own journey there will be some ahead of us or behind us and they too are following their own directions and some may go ahead of us and that is okay because we each have our own GPS.


Embrace  Empower  Engage  Explore  Evolve  


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