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BONDS and VIBZ attract your TRIBE!

Are you a woman who is guided by passion and spirit?

Do you enjoy connecting with like-minded individuals who share your values and aspirations? If so, I invite you to join Kintsugi Woman, my tribe on Facebook.

We celebrate the power of femininity and the strength of sistarhood. We believe that when women come together to support each other, they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Whether you are a business owner, artist, activist, or simply someone who wants to make a positive impact on the world, you are welcome to be part of our tribe.

As a member of Kintsugi Woman you'll have access to a community of women who share your interests and goals. You'll be able to connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from each other. You'll also receive regular updates on our latest events and initiatives, as well as exclusive content that is only available to members.

So if you're ready to connect with other women who vibe with your message, come join us at Kintsugi Woman,


 Together, we can create a world where women are empowered to be their best selves and make a difference.

Embrace the Kintsugi Path

As we gather in this sacred circle, I invite you to explore the transformative path of Kintsugi, a practice that celebrates our brokenness and illuminates the beauty within. Let’s continue this journey together, weaving our intentions into the golden seams of our souls.

Creating Awareness - Releasing What No Longer Serves You
Imagine a vessel cracked by trials, disappointment, heartache, or loss. Instead of hiding these fractures, we honour them. We recognize that our wounds are not flaws but openings for light to enter. We are releasing what no longer serves us, the limiting beliefs, burdens, and old patterns. As we exhale, we make space for healing.

Connecting with Your Body - Affirmations, Meditation, Prayer
Our bodies are vessels of wisdom, temples of intuition. Through affirmations, we speak love into our cells. We whisper, “I am enough,” “I am worthy,” “I am whole.” In meditation, we listen to the whispers of our souls, the gentle guidance, the forgotten dreams. And in prayer, we surrender to the cosmic flow, trusting that the universe cradles us in its hands.

Inviting the Energies of Kintsugi - Releasing the Old Self
Picture the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, repairing broken pottery with gold. The cracks become pathways for radiance. Similarly, we release our old selves, the shards of pain, the fragments of doubt. We invite the energies of Kintsugi, the alchemical gold, to mend us. Our scars become constellations, mapping our resilience.

Setting Intentions - Creating What We Do Want
In the chrysalis of transformation, we cocoon ourselves. Here, we get clear. What do we desire? What whispers in the quiet corners of our hearts? We set intentions like precious gems, each one reflecting our inner light. And as we emerge from our chrysalis, we carry these intentions with us, wings unfurling, ready to dance with the cosmos.


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