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Writer's pictureKalina Bains


Becoming the woman we want and need to be is a journey that starts with self-reflection and self-acceptance. It is a journey that requires us to be brave, bold, and confident in ourselves, our abilities, and our worth. It is a journey that is guided by our passions and purpose in life, and one that leads us to become the best version of ourselves.

The journey of becoming is not an easy one. It requires us to face our fears, our insecurities, and our limiting beliefs. It requires us to let go of the things that no longer serve us, and to embrace the things that do. It requires us to be open to change, to growth, and transformation.

At the heart of becoming is the idea of kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. It is a symbol of beauty in imperfections and a reminder that our scars and flaws are what make us uniquely beautiful. Kintsugi represents the journey of transformation and love to self, where we embrace our imperfections and use them to become stronger, braver, and more resilient.

To become the woman we want to be, we must start by embracing our kintsugi journey. We must learn to love ourselves, scars and all, and to see the beauty in our imperfections. We must accept that we are a work in progress, and that our journey will have ups and downs, twists and turns.

Along the way, we must also learn to be grateful for what we have. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help us shift our perspective and focus on the positive. When we are grateful, we are more likely to see the good in ourselves and in others and to be open to the possibilities that present themselves.

Becoming the woman we want to be also requires us to be strong and brave. We must be willing to take risks, to step out of our comfort zones, and to face our fears head-on. We must be willing to stand up for ourselves and for what we believe in, even when it is difficult.

One of the keys to becoming the woman we want to be is to be guided by our passions and purpose in life. When we are passionate about something, we are more likely to put in the time, effort, and dedication required to make it a reality. When we have a sense of purpose, we are more likely to stay focused and motivated, even when the going gets tough.

As we journey towards becoming the woman we want to be, it is important to remember that we are not alone. We have friends, family, and mentors who can offer us support, guidance, and encouragement. We also have ourselves, and the inner strength and wisdom that comes from within.

In order to become the woman we want to be, we must also be willing to let go of the things that hold us back. This may mean letting go of toxic relationships, negative self-talk, or limiting beliefs. It may mean letting go of old habits or patterns that no longer serve us. Letting go can be scary, but it is necessary for growth and transformation.

Along the way, we must also learn to take care of ourselves. Self-care is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It means taking the time to nourish our bodies, minds, and souls, and to prioritize our own needs and desires.

Becoming the woman we want to be is also about being proud of who we are and what we have accomplished. It is about recognizing our strengths, our accomplishments, and our potential. It is about celebrating ourselves and our journey and being grateful for the blessings we have received.

As we continue on our journey towards becoming, it is important to stay true to ourselves and our values. We must be authentic, honest, and true to our own beliefs and convictions. We must also be open to learning and growing, and to being challenged and inspired by those around us.

Becoming the woman we want to be is about transformation and self-discovery. It is about embracing our kintsugi journey and using it to become stronger, braver, and more confident. It is about being guided by our passions and purpose and staying true to ourselves and our values. It is about being grateful, taking care of ourselves, and celebrating our journey.


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