Remembering a time in my life with my #OldOrder grandmother Leah Sauder Bauman all the fear, insecurities, questions,
What if today was a day you knew your path was changing
You could not stop what would change the rest of your life
Today was scary and unsure but you knew you could not stop it from happening
It was a defining moment, a moment that could no longer be silenced
A moment that needed to be shared, spoken, and released
Spoken into the universe we ask for healing, guidance, and wisdom
Spoken into the universe we give our hopes, dreams and love
Spoken into the universe we let go of the fear of the unknown
Spoken into the universe, we lift the sorrow, we lift the pain
Spoken into the universe, we offer ourselves to be all conduits of purpose
Spoken into the universe we release, ready to receive all that is ours
Each moment of ours has led to this moment, this challenge, this awakening
Each tear has been cried in loss, sadness
Each thought reminds us of the past and guides us into the future
Each lie we believed taught us to be stronger
Each of us has embraced and often took on what was not ours to bear
Each of us has learned many hard lessons
Each of us wonder when we will let go of what we have been holding on so tight to keep
Each of us has begun again and again
Each of us in silence wept and said “Why again”
Each of us had wondered if there was someone out there for us
Each of us holds dark secrets and is scared people will find out the truth about who we are
Each of us has wondered if are we good enough, smart enough, or enough
Each one of us has wondered what our purpose is
Each one of us wonders how we can make the world a better place to live in
Each one of us is like the other, we are not so different
We all are ENOUGH
We all need love
We all need to forgive ourselves and others
We all need to be kinder to ourselves
We all need to treat others the way we want to be treated
We all need to take the time to heal and let go
We all need to say we are sorry
We all need to begin again
Begin with one thought
Begin with one lifestyle change
Begin with yourself instead of judging others
Begin and become the person you know you want and need to be
Kalina Bains